First we learned what STEAM stood for.
S for Science
T for Technology
E for Engineering
A for the Arts
and M for Maths
Then we were given challenges. The first to make a chair using newspaper, string and straws that was able to hold a figure made out of multi-link blocks.
Then; make a table that was able to balance MnMs for the team. We were much better at the second challenge because we knew what we did wrong in the first challenge and learned what we had to do differently.
In Literacy we learned to write up science experiments and to write a technology report using the design process of ask, imagine, plan, create, improve and share.
Technology Static Electricity
Our next step was to form teams and ask ourselves the big question again.
How can we use a Steam approach to make a marketable product? Our aim was to create enough products or experiences and sell it to raise money for charity.
My team made a colour spinner it was easy to make but the hardest part was the colouring. we had a bit of trouble with the string but we used rubber bands and found a way to make it better and ready to sell. Here is a picture of what we did and made at the Market.
My highlight from this PBL was when we sold out faster than we thought that gave us more time to go and look around the Market. Also my sister was the last one to buy one so I can play with t at home to.
Next time I would make more because we sold out quicker than we thought and when we sold out when we were all cleaning up people were wanting to buy some but we didn't have anymore.
Would you buy our spinners?
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